How do I know if I’m eligible to join Thought Leader Connect?
If you are involved in the Worship Tech Community, you’re perfect! Whether you’re just getting started, or a seasoned professional, you are in the right place for building relationships and sharpening your leadership skills.
How much does it cost to join Thought Leader Connect?
Thought Leader Connect was created as a FREE experience, so there is no cost to join or remain a member!
Do all the Mentor Circles cover the same topics?
Yes! Each Mentor Circle will lead the discussion from their unique experiences on the same discussion topics.
When are the monthly trainings and community calls?
Mentor Circle Zoom calls are every other week throughout the semester.
When to Mentor Circles start?
Sessions begin in January and July of each year, running for 6 months.
Can I choose my mentor?
Though we can’t guarantee you get in to a specific Mentor Circle, you can definitely request a specific mentor when you join Thought Leader Connect.
Can I be in multiple Mentor Circles at the same time?
Way to go! We love to see your enthusiasm for community and growth! However, due to limited capacity for each Mentor Circle, you can only be in one Mentor Circle at a time. However, once your Mentor Circle has wrapped up for the semester, you can request to join a different Mentor Circle for the next six-month session.
What if I can’t make a live Mentor Circle call?
All live sessions are recorded and uploaded to your Mentor Circle’s private home feed. You will have access to all the discussion replays that take place during the six-month Mentor Circle session.
What’s the time commitment like?
Like anything, the more you put in, the more you get out of it. Expect to spend just a few hours a month in the live discussion groups, Community calls, and engaging with other Thought Leaders on the platform.
Can I network and promote my own products or services to the rest of the community?
While you’re encouraged to connect with fellow Worship Techs, solicitation of products and services is not permitted.
What’s the most important thing for me to know about Thought Leader Connect?
Be present, active, and engaged! Build new relationships, sharpen your skills and most of all, have FUN!